21. Quiz: Percentiles

Percentiles with Partitions

You can use partitions with percentiles to determine the percentile of a specific subset of all rows. Imagine you're an analyst at Parch & Posey and you want to determine the largest orders (in terms of quantity) a specific customer has made to encourage them to order more similarly sized large orders. You only want to consider the NTILE for that customer's account_id.

In the SQL Explorer below, write three queries (separately) that reflect each of the following:

  1. Use the NTILE functionality to divide the accounts into 4 levels in terms of the amount of standard_qty for their orders. Your resulting table should have the account_id, the occurred_at time for each order, the total amount of standard_qty paper purchased, and one of four levels in a standard_quartile column.

  2. Use the NTILE functionality to divide the accounts into two levels in terms of the amount of gloss_qty for their orders. Your resulting table should have the account_id, the occurred_at time for each order, the total amount of gloss_qty paper purchased, and one of two levels in a gloss_half column.

  3. Use the NTILE functionality to divide the orders for each account into 100 levels in terms of the amount of total_amt_usd for their orders. Your resulting table should have the account_id, the occurred_at time for each order, the total amount of total_amt_usd paper purchased, and one of 100 levels in a total_percentile column.

Note: To make it easier to interpret the results, order by the account_id in each of the queries.


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